Getting started as a writer or adapting your workflow with the current tools available online can be greatly beneficial, but also very daunting. There are so many resources out there and a Google search will have you trying them all before finding the ones that work best for you. Not to worry, though, we’ve already done the deep digging for you.
Grammarly is probably the best tool for writers in general. Whether you’re writing a novel, a blog post, or an email, Grammarly is by your side. It checks your work across many websites and catches your grammar and spelling errors. It can even check your tone. If you were aiming for something lighthearted, but Grammarly detects that you used a more professional tone, you can revisit what you wrote and try again.

Hemmingway helps you write better – plain and simple! It suggests ways to make shorter sentences, less complex sentences, and use simpler words. It also helps you reduce the kinds of words that make your sentences feel weak or passive rather than authoritative. Even the best writers are prone to write one too many rambling sentences, or use passive voice when they should have used active voice. Hemmingway is a great free tool to paste your writing into as part of the drafting process.
Google Drive
It may seem obvious, but Google Drive is a very useful tool for writers. For one thing, being able to have your writing in the cloud, accessible from any device, is incredibly useful. On top of that, you get some free storage space, and Google Docs documents won’t take up much space. The previously mentioned tool Grammarly works within Google Drive, so you can even take it with you! This integration alone gives using Google Docs an advantage over other word processors like Microsoft Word.
If you get assigned a writing task and need to meet a certain word count, then WordCounter is your best friend. You can type directly into WordCounter, or if you use something like Google Docs, you can easily copy and paste your work into WordCounter to see how much you’ve written – and how much you still need to write. This website will help you meet your goal efficiently. And let’s be honest, there’s a satisfaction with knowing how many words you’ve written!
CoSchedule’s Headline Analyzer
Many writers struggle with finding a great headline or title for their work – that’s where CoSchedule’s Headline Analyzer comes in. This useful tool allows you to enter your title idea and see how it might catch an audience’s attention and offer tips on improving it. The Headline Analyzer allows you to maximize your potential with the first thing the reader will see in your work.
The last thing any writer wants to hear is “I’ve read this before” especially when you know you spent the time to provide original work. A great way to double-check that your writing won’t sound similar to another’s work is Copyscape. This tool lets you paste your work in and make sure it’s unique. This is also incredibly helpful if you contract out any work and want to make sure your team is up to standards.
OneLook Dictionary Search
Although a seemingly basic tool, the OneLook Dictionary Search tool can go above and beyond what you’d imagine. Have you ever wanted to find a clever title or company name but you just can’t get there on your own? This tool will help you not only find something that is relevant, but also catchy. You can search based on alliteration and theme to get your eye-catching name.
Try OneLook Dictionary Search here
As writers, we all know it’s impossible to work on just one project at once, especially if you have multiple clients. A great way to separate the projects and break them down into smaller to-do lists is through Basecamp. This website is perfect for managing all of your smaller tasks to make sure the big task is completed in full and on time. Everything will stay clean and organized, rather than having a thick paper planner that you just have to recycle at the end of the year.
Evernote is one of the leading tools to help you with your writing journey, whether it’s professional or personal. Evernote has apps that you can download to your computer or mobile devices that are cross-compatible so, like Google Drive, you can access anything anywhere. However, Evernote offers a few more organization options such as sticky notes, notebooks with sections in them, and much more. It’s easily searchable, so you can always find what you need.
Dark Room & Write Room
If you often find yourself struggling to stay focused on a task at hand, even with a timer set, these applications would be great for you. They both do the same thing: a fullscreen application that hides all other icons and menu options. The difference between these two applications is simply the operating system. If you have a Windows computer, you’ll want to use Dark Room. And if you have a Mac computer, Write Room is the choice for you. As long as you have your notifications off, you’ll be set to hone in on your work until it’s done.