7 Graphic Design Styles Influencing Sales in 2023

Design is more than a nice picture: It streamlines communication between the brand and the audience.

Business owners may not know the name of the graphic style, but when ordering a project from a designer, they often imagine the desired result as, “I need something like this.” Some basic knowledge of design styles would simplify communication and eliminate misunderstandings.

In this post, we’ll talk about the role of design in business visibility and growth and reveal the most popular graphic design styles influencing business success.

How Design Helps Business Visibility and Growth

High-quality design, together with agile marketing, makes your business successful. No wonder:

Given the visual nature of the human brain, processing information best when it’s in pictures, bright and recognizable design is the easiest (and best) instrument to convey your brand’s benefits to the customer.

Let’s say you go into a store and see similar products on the shelves. However, one has a catchy packaging that grabs your attention: You may not read the text on that package, but you’ll remember its design! Specialists know that a brand identity is critical for sales: It makes products recognizable.

Design and revenue are closely linked. Marketers, project managers, and designers work together to design a product. Some imagine how convenient the product (service) is and how to implement it better; others prepare the info space for the product. As for designers, they work on the external look of the product or service.

Competition is super high today, and product design often appears that particular detail influencing the purchase decision, making it trendy, and encouraging people to have it. If it works out, the business revenue grows:

The impact of design on business profitability is increasing exponentially in both the product and service segments.

Addys Mayers, Designer at the EasyEssay’s blog, also emphasizes the importance of regular updates for user interest and sales:

“The issue of product design usability is on the rise today. Smartphones, cars, food — everything looks to meet and satisfy customer needs. Speaking of online services, they quickly become obsolete if no one upgrades their website design and features for years. Users will love it when UI and UX are up-to-date, all the buttons and toolbars are in place, and color combinations are recognizable and eye-pleasing.”

7 Graphic Design Styles Influencing Sales

New graphic design styles appear so often that it would be unreasonable to chase after every fresh font or color. However, if you want to stay up to date and keep your product or website landing pages compelling, it’s worth knowing the below seven styles and implementing them in your projects when applicable.

1 – Brand Identity

Brand identity is a set of visual elements your business uses for customers to recognize it in the market. It consists of the following components: a logo, trademark, fonts, colors, slogan, and mascot. Above all, your business name is at the crux of all these elements. Consider using a business name generator to come up with a unique and memorable name that ties your identity together.

All these elements serve as your brand code to communicate a particular message to customers. Once you create the brand book with the above design components, you’ll use them everywhere (a website, social media, ads, etc.) for consumers to recognize your brand at once.

For example, we all recognize Grammarly by its brand colors and logo. MailChimp has a funny mascot — Freddie; the same goes for Trello: Their dog Taco is everywhere to assist users. Speaking of products, we all remember Colonel Sanders (KFC), Mr. Clean (Procter & Gamble), and many others, right?

Mailchimp: a logo, a mascot, brand colors, and fonts serve for identity and recognition

2 – Geometric Shapes

Today, designers use geometry instead of abstractions, which previously played a core role in graphics creation. Thus, geometric shapes work great for creating a website layout or product packaging, and they are easy to combine with other images.

Such combinations do not weigh down the perception but attract attention.

Geometry in the package design of Java Time, The Saudi Arabian coffeehouse network

3 – Avant-Garde

This graphic design style is eye-grabbing and easy to recognize by its experimental approach to artistic creation, often going beyond the usual, using original images.

Designers working in this style emphasize the combination of typography and geometric shapes. Avant-garde design is inherent to book covers, marketing posters, and interiors.

The avant-garde elements in graphic design

4 – Classic Style

The smoothness and brevity of forms remind us of the Renaissance and Classicism. When creating works in the classical style, designers avoid details overload, but decorative frames and some elements are okay to use.

This style is perfect for different niches: the public sector, banking, posters design, flyer templates, business cards, invitations, and promotional banners for cafes and restaurants.

5 – Minimalism

This graphic design style is inherent to many modern websites. The point is to remove everything superfluous to draw attention to the core details and message. Besides websites, minimalism also works for logos, interiors, and packaging design.

Hugh Morgan, a freelance designer, also specifies the role of 3D graphics in minimalistic arts:

“I work as a designer in entertainment and children’s services and a little in product design. My main style is minimalism: a nice picture and a bunch of text with a tasty color scheme. Usually, I base layouts on photos, my own illustrations, and 3D compositions. 3D graphics is a trend that still holds sway in advertising. If there is an opportunity to go beyond the client’s corporate style, I can add some pop art elements.”

Indeed, 3D calls the shots today:

Use it to create illustrations, layouts, and digital copies of products. Combine 3D elements with real-life objects. This style allows you to visualize, let’s say, a room layout that will be not only attractive but also informative.



That’s how the apartment’s layout looks like in 3D modeling by Peter Tarka.

6 – Chaotic Typography

This style has become especially popular in 2022 in the business industry and among bloggers. It looks like there are no rules here: Underlining, italics, emphasis on single words or paragraphs, highlighted by font size, bright colors, with the addition of icons and emoji — Every element still has its place while creating a kind of a creative mess.

7 – Gothic Style

Designers don’t use this style often, only if the niche allows it. (Indeed, it would be strange to see a children’s yogurt with gothic on the package, agree?)

The main element of this style is a specific font we often see on T-shirts, album covers, and posters for rock festivals. In addition, gothic is suitable for websites of travel companies, sea cruises, and sporting events to immerse the visitor in the atmosphere of “here and now.”

In a Word

“You never get a second chance to make a first impression.” This famous proverb describes graphic design nature best: It helps the audience create the first impression about your brand. It either attracts, repels, or leaves users indifferent. More than that, design can communicate and explain the essence of your product or service in a second, even before a person reads the text description.

Remember that when thinking about the visual presentation of your brand, product, or next ad. Graphic design influences consumer perception and purchase decisions, so do your best to help them decide in your favor.

Author bio:

Lesley Vos is a seasoned web writer who loves visuals and their influence on human brains. She blogs at Bid4Papers and other educational websites and contributes articles for publications on business, marketing, and self-growth. Welcome to her Twitter @LesleyVos!

Read next: 10 Basics of Graphic Design: Best Tips for Beginners

2 Replies to “7 Graphic Design Styles Influencing Sales in 2023”

  1. Sketchus says:

    Such a very useful article. Thanks!! :D

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