Introducing Wishlists on FilterGrade

FilterGrade Wishlist

Have you ever wanted to store some assets for later, knowing you’ll need them for a future project or production?

You can now save your ideas and favorite products in one place with Your Wishlist!

Based on countless emails and comments from customers, we added this feature to help you organize your favorite products and items for future reference! We are also working on collections and other cool features to launch soon, so keep reading below to find out more and share your feedback.

How do I save a product to my wishlist?

Adding products to your wishlist is extremely simple!

Just hover over any product thumbnail on the site and then click the tiny heart icon beneath the ‘add to cart’ icon to add a specific product to your wishlist.

add product to wishlist filtergrade

Once clicked, you’ll see a message pop-up to confirm that the product has been added to your wishlist! Click ‘View Wishlist‘ to see all the products you’ve added and do more!

filtergrade wishlist for favorite products

What can I do with my wishlist?

Your Wishlist is a simple way to save your favorite products for later. On the wishlist page you can:

  • Add some or all products directly to your cart at once

  • Review the products, prices, and date added

  • Share on social media, email, text, and other forms of chat

  • Share directly with your friends, colleagues, etc.

FilterGrade Wishlist example

How do I share my wishlist with a friend?

Head to Your Wishlist, scroll to the bottom and share with any of the social media links to Facebook, Twitter, or Pinterest.

You can also text the link on WhatsApp, send an email, or copy the link to send it anywhere! To copy the wishlist link, click the icon second from the right side. You can then share this link with anyone to view your saved products!

share icon filtergrade wishlist

Can I create multiple lists?

Unfortunately, not yet. Right now you’ll be able to save a single wishlist, with as many items as you’d like. You can do this with our without an account, but we recommend creating an account so you can access the list later.

Without an account, your wishlist will reset unless you save the exact link!

To offer you even more ways to save your favorite products and share them with others, we are working on collections next! This way you can create multiple lists for different purposes!


We need your help!

What would you like to see with collections? Please leave a comment below with your feedback about wishlists, collections, and what you’d like to see next on FilterGrade!

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