Life is Too Short – Creative Site to Visualize Your Remaining Life

Life is Too Short - Creative Site to Visualize Your Remaining Life

Have you ever wanted to understand how much time you really have left? For it to sink in, sometimes you have to see it right in front of you. The stark reality of the time that we do have left.

Life is too short is a micro website that gives you a rough estimate of your remaining life.

It is inspired by the “Your life in weeks”- Poster and by Tim Urban’s blog post “Your life in weeks”.

The unique twist of the website is that you can enter your current age and select your country of birth and based on the average life expectancy of the chosen country it will calculate how much of your life is left in years, months, weeks and so on.

After entering your age and selecting a country the website generates the following image in which every circle represents a week of your life.

your life in weeks visualization from life is too short website

What’s the purpose of this website?

The main goal of the website was to create something for myself that creates immense pressure to start attacking life with everything I got.

When I started to work on the website I felt stuck. I was on the sidelines watching life pass me by without anything exciting going on. I wanted to change from “spectator mode” to “player mode”.

What is more pressuring to see your remaining life time ticking away second for second?

How people reacted: 

The website can have a great impact on people – seeing a rough estimate of what is left paired with the visualization of your remaining weeks can serve as a great “Wake-Up Call”.

That was my assumption at least – people seeing how much they got left of life and starting to be really motivated.

After launching the website I made a few posts on Reddit and X and something unexpected happened.

The reactions were overall very negative mixed with a couple ones that really got the reaction I initially intended.

A wide range of emotionally loaded comments followed my posts on both platforms.

reactions to life is too short website that visualizes your remaining weeks of life left

Who created this website?

joschua builds surfing, creator of life is too short website

LifeIsTooShort was created by Joschua Builds, an indie hacker and creator working on this project and other cool micro websites/businesses. Get in touch with Joschua on X where he posts many different things but mainly document his build in public journey. Follow along on

You can try the website here: to find out how much time you have left! Go out and do the things you have always dreamed of!! Life is too short after all. Enjoy every second of it.

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