A light leak is an area within a camera where light is able to seep in creating a flare or colorful light effect. It basically causes the film to overexpose resulting in a bright spot on your photo. It creates beautiful colors and blends of light that make your photos look really interesting.
Light leaks were traditionally created in old cameras, and were considered flaws due to issues with the camera or camera body. They are now pretty sought after and are often done in post-processing software because many cameras have fixed this small error.
Below are more than 50 photos we found inspiring that have light leak effects in them. If you enjoy the post, please consider sharing it, you can easily hover over any image to pin it.
More photography inspiration on our list of the Top 10 Photography Websites for Inspiration!
Create beautiful effects similar to the ones below with our premium Light Leak Photoshop actions. Or test out some free light leaks in the FilterGrade Mini Collection.
If you made it this far down the post, you’re probably amazing, be sure to share it and spread the inspiration! Also don’t forget about the FilterGrade Shop to grab some amazing Photoshop actions and photography effects.
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