50 Magic Lines Photo Overlays


50 Magic Lines Photo Overlays

Creator: Eldamar Studio

License Type What is this ?

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Speed up your workflow with a whole universe of cinematic photo overlays!

Turn every photo into a masterpiece with these overlays at a discount price!

Adding overlays to your photos can help you to give some cool effects to your photos.

Finding the perfect overlays can be a bit of a challenge since you cannot use the same effects for each and every photo…until today!

If you are a photographer looking to create some amazing professional quality photos, then this overlays bundle is perfect for you!

This bundle comes with an extended commercial license, which means you can use these overlays, again and again, to create stunning designs for yourself and for your clients!

Huge library of realistic HD photo overlays;
Compatible with Mac, Windows, and Linux;
Can be easily adjusted to fit your image;
High resolution ready to print 300DPI;’

Software Requirements:

Compatible with Adobe Photoshop, Adobe Elements, Corel PaintShopPro or free programs like Gimp, Pixlr, SumoPaint, Krita, CinePaint, Serif PhotoPlus, PaintShop Pro, and many more…

Additional information


Personal, Commercial, Extended


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