Important Safety Tips That Landscape Photographers Need to Know


In many ways, landscape photography can be a universal art form. MakeUseOf points out that landscape photography is one of the most popular forms of photography because almost everyone with a camera or smartphone has taken a shot of a beach, mountain, or waterfall at some point. However, professional landscape photography involves more than just pointing and shooting with your smartphone on vacation. In fact, MakeUseOf notes that professionals often have to brave the rain or get up close with wildlife to get a good image of stunning landscapes.

There are indeed many risks within this field, especially if you’re a professional or a dedicated hobbyist. Fortunately, you can keep yourself safe in various locations and still be able to get a good shot by following these practices:

Research your subject properly

You may become lucky enough to find an interesting landscape subject on a spontaneous trip. However, it’s best to thoroughly research destinations to ensure that you’ll be safe as you visit these locations for your photoshoots.

Once you’ve decided on a destination, the US Forest Service recommends that you check the predicted weather conditions. This step helps you avoid approaching storms and other weather conditions that can cause danger. It’s also important to check the contour of the land at your destination to gauge if you’ll be encountering any floods or muddy conditions when it rains. Finally, you must map out the trail to your destination to avoid getting lost in remote areas.

Protect your eyes from the sun

Are you trying to capture a shot on a hot summer day or during a special occasion like a solar eclipse? American Astronomical Society’s Angela Speck recommends solar viewing glasses for those who want to take pictures during these periods. Speck explains that photographers may become disoriented if they look directly at the sun and are at a higher risk of developing retinitis pigmentosa.

If looking through the viewfinder with glasses is challenging, consider using contact lenses with UV protection instead. Acuvue Oasys contact lenses are one of the most prescribed products on the market because they have variations for astigmatism, presbyopia, and other eye conditions. On top of that, there are variations of Acuvue Oasys with the highest level of UV-blocking technology, which can help protect your eyes from the sun’s rays during a photoshoot. Just be sure to store and wear your lenses properly during your time out in the field and to keep them away from dust and debris.

Wear appropriate clothing for the weather

Apart from wearing eye protection, you should also keep your body safe by wearing appropriate clothing. Landscape photographers have to walk and hike a lot, which makes it crucial to wear the right clothes and gear.

Our guide to Tuscan Landscape Photography highlights that Wellington boots are essential if you plan to hike around. You may even need to wear waterproof pants and fleece jackets because the fields and grassy or forested areas are usually covered in dew in the morning. On the other hand, you may need to wear clothing with UPF protection to protect your skin against UV rays in sunny destinations.

Carry safety equipment with you

Photography equipment is bulky and heavy and by itself can be hard to lug around. However, you still need to make room for safety equipment and a first aid kit in your luggage in case of any emergencies.

One of the safety tools that you need is a headlamp, which can illuminate your path if you’re planning on going on early morning or late evening hikes. You must also bring specific tools that can protect you against wildlife hazards. For instance, pack bear repellant if you intend to go to areas with lots of big wildlife, like Yellowstone or Grand Teton, and bring a snake bite kit to desert parks like the Grand Canyon.

Landscape photographers don’t need to compromise safety to get a good shot. The practice can be hazardous if you’re not careful, so be sure to constantly practice the safety strategies above while you’re looking for your next shot.

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