Bruce Gilden, legendary street photographer from Brooklyn, New York, has been shooting since the 1960’s and has just released his latest book, ‘Only God Can Judge Me.’
“I’m known for taking pictures very close, and the older I get, the closer I get”
Gilden is known for being a self-taught photographer who is fascinated by life on the streets and by the things we see in our everyday life, and maybe our not-so-everyday life.
Let’s take a look at Gilden’s newest release, ‘Only God Can Judge Me,’ available only at the Magnum Photography Marketplace.
Only God Can Judge Me
“As I travelled through America, I noticed the same pattern in many cities: in all the bad areas, I saw white women, generally young and at one time generally pretty, who were drug addicts—and I’m talking serious heroin or crack addicts.”
– Bruce Gilden, ‘Only God Can Judge Me’
Gilden begins his narrative with a short excerpt on why he even began this project to begin with and how it relates to him on a personal level, and also on a societal level.
He then continues through his narrative with images and quotes from some of these women that he talks about. Their inspiring, surreal stories are enough to touch anyone’s heart and Gidlen truly curated his work in a manner that provokes thought, even when you put the book down.
We hope that Gilden’s insight and vision has provided you with as much inspiration as it has for us. If you have any comments you’d like to share, feel free to let us know below – we always love to hear your thoughts!
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