The Best Practices for Creating E-Learning Videos

The Best Practices for Creating E-Learning Videos

E-learning platforms have revolutionized the way we acquire knowledge and skills. Videos have become the default method of absorbing information, whether it’s on social media or on learning platforms. However, creating effective and educational videos for e-learning can be a challenging task.

In this video, we’ll explore some valuable tips to help you craft videos that captivate your audience and enhance the learning experience, all without making too much work for yourself. Cover photo by Compare Fibre.

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Plan Your Content Strategically

Before diving into video production, it’s crucial to plan your content strategically. Start by clearly defining the learning objectives of your video. What specific knowledge or skill do you want your audience to acquire by the end? What knowledge do you need to share before they can fully grasp it? Outline the key points you need to cover and create a script or storyboard to guide your production process. Depending on how well of a presenter you have, you may just need a bulleted list, or a full-blown script. A well-structured video ensures that learners can follow the content easily and grasp the intended concepts effectively. You don’t want to jerk them around too much.

Keep it Short and Focused

Attention spans are limited, especially in the online learning environment where distractions abound. Sure, the students are here to learn, but learning can often be boring to many people. To keep your viewers engaged, aim to keep your videos concise and focused. Break down complex topics into shorter segments, each addressing a specific subtopic. This allows learners to digest the information more easily and retain it better. Aim for videos that are between 5 to 10 minutes in length to ensure optimal engagement. Be sure to stick to the script and don’t go on tangents, otherwise, you might lose viewers, or confuse those who weren’t paying close attention.

Use Visual Aids and Graphics

Visual aids and graphics play a vital role in enhancing the understanding and retention of information. In fact, many people are visual learners and require a graphic to really grasp the concept. Incorporate relevant visuals, such as charts, diagrams, or infographics, to support your explanations. Sometimes even just relevant photos or videos that don’t add any information can be helpful to break up the monotony of watching a teacher present the content. These visuals not only make the content more engaging but also help learners visualize abstract concepts. Additionally, use text overlays to highlight key points or important takeaways, reinforcing the main ideas of your video. Putting text on-screen is like a virtual highlighter bringing attention to the most important words in a textbook.

Employ High-Quality Audio and Video

Nothing hampers the learning experience more than poor audio or video quality. Invest in a decent microphone to ensure clear and crisp audio. Consider using a dedicated camera or at least a high-resolution webcam to capture your footage. Good lighting is also essential to create a professional-looking video, and can make a mediocre camera look useable. Pay attention to background noise and minimize visual distractions to maintain focus on the content. Editing can’t save everything, so it’s important to have an ideal recording environment. Remember, clear and immersive audiovisuals enhance comprehension and keep learners invested in the material.

Incorporate Interactive Elements

To foster engagement and active learning, consider incorporating interactive elements within your videos. Use quizzes or knowledge checks at regular intervals to assess learners’ understanding. These interactive elements provide immediate feedback and encourage learners to actively participate in the learning process. You can also include clickable links or annotations to additional resources or related content, allowing learners to explore further on the topic. Depending on the e-learning platform you may be able to put these quizzes between videos so that viewers can assess their understanding and you as the course creator can see how students are comprehending the information.

Inject Personal Touches and Storytelling

Personalizing your videos can significantly boost learner engagement. Share personal anecdotes or experiences that relate to the subject matter. Storytelling is a powerful tool that captures attention and facilitates emotional connections with the audience. By sharing real-world examples and relatable scenarios, you create a sense of relevance and practicality, making the content more relatable and memorable. You’ll position yourself not only as an expert on the topic who has real experience, but also as a human with human experiences – this reminds viewers that they’re not just learning from a robot, but a real person who can teach them.

Optimize for Accessibility

Accessibility is crucial in e-learning, ensuring that all learners can access and benefit from your content. Provide closed captions or subtitles for your videos to cater to individuals with hearing impairments. Consider using a font size and color contrast that is easily readable, in your on-screen elements. Adhere to accessibility standards to make your videos inclusive and accessible to a wide range of learners.

Seek Feedback and Iterate

Continuous improvement is key to creating effective e-learning videos, and you might not get it right on your first try. Encourage learners to provide feedback on your videos and incorporate their suggestions into future productions. Regularly review your content and assess its effectiveness. Pay attention to analytics and metrics provided by the e-learning platform to gain insights into viewer engagement and adapt your approach accordingly.


Creating effective and engaging videos for e-learning platforms requires a little bit of planning and work. But if your content is good and valuable, it doesn’t take a lot to make an e-learning course worth taking. If these tips were helpful to you, let us know by leaving a like and subscribing to FilterGrade. Thanks for watching, and see you in the next one.

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