You’ve probably spent a lot of time setting your Premiere Pro to exactly what you need it to be. But if you’ve made a change you can’t figure out how to revert, or just want to start fresh, you can easily reset Premiere Pro. All you need to do is trash your preferences.
When you reset Premiere Pro, you will revert things like the workspace layout, length of default transitions, audio hardware settings, and much more.
It’s also a good idea to reset Adobe Premiere Pro when you are running into unexpected errors or strange bugs. You can try re-downloading from Creative Cloud, but that can be a bit more time consuming. So if you’re looking for a troubleshooting method, try resetting Premiere Pro first.
Reset Shortcut
When starting Premiere Pro, hold down ALT+SHIFT on Windows or OPT+SHIFT on Mac. Premiere Pro will start completely reset to default.
You can also access the saved preferences at the following locations:
- Windows – <drive>\Users\<user name>\Documents\Adobe\Premiere Pro\<version>\Profile-<user name>
- Mac OS – <drive>/Users/<user name>/Documents/Adobe/Premiere Pro/<version>/Profile-<user name>
You can rename or move these files rather than deleting them, in case the process goes wrong and you want to revert back to your old preferences again.