The Intersection of Educational Technology and Mobile Learning for Students

The Intersection of Educational Technology and Mobile Learning for Students

It’s not a secret that young people are always on their phones. Smartphones seem to be with them every minute of every day. Of course, you couldn’t imagine pulling out your phone in the classroom even ten years ago! Teachers across the country were so much against it that you could get into real trouble for cheating or being distracted during your studies.

Today, on the other hand, the situation has changed drastically. Now, you write down class notes on laptops, take photos of homework, and upload papers to online portals. So why not use technology to your advantage? Thanks to innovations and computing capacity, modern smartphones can become a powerful and helpful tool. This marks the invention of mobile learning.

Using your phone for studying is not only convenient but also a reflection of the modern educational landscape. Websites offering online nursing papers make it easier for healthcare students to access vital resources without the hassle of scouring through libraries. Similarly, with platforms like Essaypro term paper writing service, a student can order quality essays with just a few taps on their mobile screens. This digital accessibility allows students to delegate tasks efficiently. Hence, they can channel their energy towards active participation in class or diving deeper into their areas of interest.

So, do you want to use your devices to the max and study at the same time? Here are the basics of mobile learning and how it connects to educational technology! Cover photo by Compare Fibre.

What is mobile learning? 

First of all, let’s start from the very beginning. M-learning is studying on any portable device, including a laptop, a tablet, or a smartphone. Of course, most people don’t even consider their laptops as something extraordinary in their studying process. This is especially true as the educational process shifted to online after the COVID-19 pandemic.

What’s more interesting is that this method often goes together with microlearning. This is a new approach to education, where information is delivered in small portions or in short sessions. Here is what kind of content you can consume in M-learning:

  • podcasts;
  • videos;
  • apps;
  • quizzes;
  • eLearning courses.

4 ways to boost education with mobile learning

Now, you might have already recognized some of these techniques from your own classroom. Professors often try to improve their curriculum, so their students will be more interested in classes. Students are encouraged to play educational games to acquire new material and keep their minds active. Here are some other ways to incorporate mobile learning into the curriculum!

Collaborative environment

This is an approach where two or more learners study together. College students know this activity as group projects, online discussions, peer reviews, and other tasks that ask for feedback and collaboration. During this task, students have to take charge, and professors can review their final results. You might be wondering how mobile learning is connected to this; let’s take a look:

  • use social media and other networks to discuss your projects;
  • upload your files to Google Drive or Dropbox and share access with the whole group;
  • connect in Google Hangouts, Skype, or Zoom to synchronize and share status updates.


Who doesn’t like playing games? Add studying to this, and you get a perfect recipe for M-learning! Gamification means that educators use game mechanics and critical thinking to engage students in their assignments. Most younger students are visual learners, so they receive new information better through their eyes and remember it when doing some actions.

In case you still don’t understand how gamification is related to your classroom, here are some examples for you:

  • gamified quiz with rewards and badges;
  • simulation of sales with a scenario and game elements;
  • additive grading with a point system
  • adding levels and checkpoints to the lecture

Personalized approach

Sure, collaboration is fun and can be very productive. But in reality, many schools and colleges don’t have the resources to pay attention to every student individually. This is why there are lots of group projects where you can use essay writing websites for your part, and no one will notice. Real progress requires a more personalized approach – and you can get it with M-learning!

You and your classmates have different goals, interests, and motivations. And that’s totally normal! It’s very important for teachers to try and recognize these differences, so they can meet the individual needs of every student. With the help of mobile learning, they can suggest many sources of educational content. This way, you can find what actually interests you!


Benefits of M-learning in class

In case you are still not convinced that you can study from your phone or tablet, let’s dive even deeper. There are many studies that show clear advantages of this type of education. Diversity is always good, and it can bring a fresh perspective into boring classes and complicated subjects. Here are some of the most obvious benefits of mobile learning.

You will have more mobility and accessibility

Even with hybrid education, only a few students have constant access to laptops or uninterrupted internet connections. This is why it’s important to think about all those people who need to be studying on the go. You can get instant access to your materials from your phone anytime you like – for example, while you are commuting to school or during your free time.

You will remember information better

There are many studies that found great things about mobile learning and its ability to boost knowledge retention. This means that you will remember things better compared to traditional training methods. Don’t forget that every person is different: you might have more success with visual or hearing methods for your studying!

You will feel more comfortable participating in class activities

Some people are naturally shy – they don’t want to be active in class. It’s natural, and teachers have to accommodate these preferences. When you are studying online, especially in the form of a game, it’s much easier to participate! Sure, you might get more distracted while you are on your phone, but it’s better than not taking part in any activity at all.

To Sum Up

As you can see, M-learning is a great way to support the traditional approach to education. Everything is moving forward – this is why you should embrace innovation! There is no point in dismissing this technology, especially when it offers so many benefits to pupils and their teachers.

See also – Tech-Savvy Study Habits: How to Use Technology for More Effective Learning

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