How to Grow on TikTok in 2022

Even though it seems like TikTok has been around for a long time now, there’s no reason that you can’t still grow on TikTok in 2022. The platform is still young, and anyone can still grow on it. By employing some simple and consistent tactics, you can develop a dedicated following, get millions of views, and maybe even make some money from sponsor deals.

Is it Too Late to Get Started on TikTok?

While Gen Z may have universally rejected Facebook as a social media platform, there is a huge younger audience on TikTok. And it seems like it’s still growing! Whether you’re an individual looking to get views, or you’re a business looking for a new marketing platform, you can still find success here. There is no prerequisite of having been on TikTok for a long time in order to find success. You just need to make great content, which we’ll go into detail about now!

1. Be Organic

Whether you’re brand new to TikTok or are on the platform trying your hardest to grow, the best thing you can do is create content organically and be genuine. The best TikToks come across as representative of your personality, and as genuine. Of course there are plenty of edited TikToks, but these are meant to show off your sense of humor or creativity. Be yourself! With over a billion registered users on the platform, you’re practically guaranteed to find someone that loves what you create.

2. Post Often

It should be well known by now that posting frequently on social media tends to help you get seen more. When it comes to TikTok, this is even more true. You should be posting at least once per day in order to grow on TikTok. This ensures that your followers will see a new post from you every time they sit down to scroll through TikTok. If you can create good content, you should post even more often. The more people see your videos in their feed, the better! In many ways, quantity is more important than quality on this platform.

3. Use Hashtags

It’s true for Twitter and for Instagram, and you can bet that it’s true for TikTok as well: you should be using hashtags on TikTok. While you can fill up your videos with hashtags, no more than 5 per video seems to be ideal. You should use a mix of general hashtags, trending hashtags, and hashtags that are more niche and specific. This mixture of tags will help your video appear to people who are searching on specific topics. If you don’t tag your video, it will be a lot more difficult to recommend to other users.

4. Find a Niche

While it may seem like generic videos that anyone could enjoy always blow up on TikTok, you’re not likely to stumble into success from the kind of video that everyone else is making. Whether you have a recurring cast of characters for skits, you review a specific kind of product, or you create nostalgia content about a specific time period, creating some sort of niche will get you more followers. You’ll start to become recognized for your type of videos. And people who like the topic that you talk about will happily follow your account for more of the same.

5. Understand How TikTok Works

TikTok has its own unique rules, language, and expectations. If you’re trying to fake it, it’ll be obvious to the people who are deep in the culture. It’s like trying to create content for people in a different country that you know nothing about – it’s going to flop! Do your research and browse through TikTok until you have a full grasp of how people are creating TikToks and how they are talking about them. One thing you’ll find is that many TikToks are lower effort than something you’d post to YouTube, but this doesn’t make their content any less valuable to the people who enjoy it. And of course, see how people in your chosen niche are creating their content, and what the expectations are.

6. Plan to Be Consistent

Since consistency is so key on TikTok, you should make it easy for yourself. It can be hard to get the motivation to record a TikTok every day, so don’t! Make a huge list of video ideas (maybe for several weeks or an entire month) and try to record them all in a day or two. It will be a lot of work, but dedicating time to creating this backlog of content instead of forcing yourself to find time every day will make your life a lot easier. You can swap outfits every few videos, then randomize them all so it doesn’t seem obvious that you did it all at once. There is also value in being timely and spontaneous, so don’t forget to mix it up with some off-the-cuff content when you want to hop on a trend or talk about something that just happened in the news.

7. Keep Trying

Social media is a difficult game. You might not find immediate success, even after posting tons of TikToks. But it’s important to keep trying and stay persistent! You could give up just before you were about to get your big break. Anyone can find success on this platform. Take a look at your content and try to identify why people either aren’t discovering it or don’t care to follow you after seeing the videos. Always strive to improve your content and utilize the tips on this list to help your TikToks get discovered and convert viewers into followers!

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