Lost and Founder: Rand Fishkin’s Painfully Honest Guide to the Startup World

A review of Rand Fishkin's Lost and Founder book detailing his journeys as an entrepreneur.

Many articles, books, and features you’ll come across related to entrepreneurship will glorify certain aspects of the startup world. Things like growth, users, money, venture capital, and typically the more positive or impressive aspects. The kinds of things that make for an eye-catching headline. It makes sense. To someone dreaming of building their own company, […]

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Canon Ends Film Camera Sales with EOS-1v

Canon EOS-1v film camera model

Image: Wikipedia The end of over 80 years of film cameras. This week Canon announced that they would stop selling the EOS-1v film camera, their last film camera available to consumers. The EOS-1v was the fastest moving-mirror film camera ever put into production at the time it was introduced, at 10 frames/second. Released in 2000, the EOS […]

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