How to Show Off Your Business With Stellar Photos

Do you know what kind of reputation your business has online? Did you know that good or bad, you can absolutely shape that reputation?

Social media and online engagement – like responding to online reviews – is a two-way conversation, even if it may not seem that way. Every time you post an image or status on a social media account, you are engaging with your audience and speaking for your entire brand. Over time, the message you share becomes part of your company’s reputation.

In a way, the images and content you share about your company inform everyone – potential employees
and customers alike – about your goals.

Let’s say you post a single image that shows your employees giving back to the community. Your
audience will think it’s nice, but they won’t necessarily associate your company with the idea that you’re
always giving back. Helping out one time is nice, but it loses its charm rather quickly. If you post regular
photos of your employees giving back to the community, then your audience will really get the idea.
A reputation is something that can be earned over time. Even a bad reputation is earned, by providing
poor experiences to customers.

While you can focus on providing exceptional customer experiences and valuable products or services,
these are things that you should be doing anyway as a successful business.

Why not focus instead on sharing stellar photos with everyone – photos that show how great your
business really is? Through images, you can share things like company culture, products, your work
environment and more.

Here are some great ways to do that.

Share Behind-the- Scenes Content

People love to see how products are made and what happens during the design process. More
specifically, your customers will be interested in seeing how things are done at your company.

Behind-the- scenes content also happens to be something every business should add to their arsenal.
You can brighten everyone’s day – and boost your business’s reputation – by sharing exclusive behind-
the-scenes content. One of the best ways to do this is to share photos via social media, like on Facebook
or Instagram. You could also easily do it in an email newsletter, blog or in advertisements.

Honor Your Employees

You wouldn’t be where you are without the support of your team. They help produce your goods and
services, interact with clients and much more. They are the backbone of your brand. You can give back
to them – and show how proud you are – by spotlighting individual employees and teammates.

Share their backstory on social media. Let them participate in an ask-me- anything session to answer
questions and concerns about your brand. Highlight an awesome fact or deed that a team member has
done. Do this while sharing photos of those employees hard at work.

There are many ways to honor your employees, and stellar photos of your team will show your customers
that your brand continues to operate because there are some great people behind the wheel.

Brag About Your Benefits

If you really want to show off your company culture, you can give everyone a sample of your great
benefits. Do you offer flexible hours? Great pay or salary? Great insurance plans? Generous vacation

Believe it or not, it’s easy to show this in a relevant photo. For instance, you could share an employee’s
vacation photo on the company Facebook account.

This is also something that would be great to put on display at a trade show. After all, 20 percent of your
trade show budget will go toward promotional materials and giveaways. Why not put your company on
everyone’s radar by showing the great benefits your employees receive?

Share the Fun

Does your company host awesome events or holiday gatherings? You can share the fun by snapping
photos next time something is going on and uploading them to social networks or blogs.

There’s nothing wrong with having a little down time every now and then. There’s nothing wrong with
letting your audience see you cut loose either, within reason.

Get Out of the Office

Just because you invest a lot of time in your work doesn’t mean you have to spend it in an office, sitting
behind a desk. Get out, take your work with you and snap photos while you do it. Take company trips to
give your employees hands-on experience or new perspectives. Take your work to a local park or activity
center and split the difference.

You could even walk the streets and hand out company swag. People love free stuff and it also gets the
word out about your brand.

Photos of you and your employees out of the office show your company is not afraid of engaging with
the world – which is more important than you might think. Plus, employees that work remotely are often
more productive.

Invite Others to Share

You don’t have to do all the sharing yourself. Chances are, there are plenty of employees or customers
that would be happy to share their own experiences with your brand. Thanks to mobile devices, it has
never been easier for consumers to create and share images on the go. Be smart and capitalize on this
by asking fans or customers to create visual content for you.

Maybe customers would love to share a photo that represents a positive experience they had with your
products, or perhaps employees would love to share content that shows what they do on the job.
Whatever the case may be, don’t be afraid to enlist help. You can invite others to share photos of your
brand, and they can be just as stellar.

Embrace Creativity

Great photos can also be great images – meaning they don’t necessarily have to be photographs taken
with a camera. You can also have stellar images that were created by others, like fan art.
Always find a way to embrace creativity – creativity in both your employees and customers. Be open to
the idea of allowing others to be creative with your brand. You may be surprised at what kind of amazing
content crops up.

Special thanks to Lexie Lu for this article. Lexie Lu is a designer and writer. She constantly researches trends in the web and graphic design
industry. She writes weekly on Design Roast and can be followed on Twitter @lexieludesigner.

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