6 Tips to Grow Your Brand with Instagram

6 Tips to Grow Your Brand wit Instagram - FilterGrade

Instagram offers a platform with some of the most engaged followers around. The visual posts, stories, and IGTV features keep followers coming back to gain new insight into some of their favorite brands. If you want to tap in and take full advantage of building your brand through Instagram to obtain a loyal audience make use of these 6 tips to grow your brand with Instagram.

How to Grow Your Brand With Instagram

1. Have a Visual Strategy

Photo by Juliana Malta on Unsplash

Instagram is all about visual appeal. Just like you would need a content strategy for a blog you need to have a visual strategy for your Instagram account. Not sure how to create your visual strategy? Start by following and looking at other accounts in your niche. You don’t want to copy what they are doing but you can learn how to set your account up for success by seeing what is working for them.

As far as posting content on your account or posting stories you can easily create a schedule that will get your audience engaged. You can use an automated system that sends you a notification when you need to post. Instagram requires you to do the posting yourself so you won’t be able to have it fully automated but this can get you used to sticking with a schedule which is key for getting more views.

2. Bio Optimization

Photo by Artem Beliaikin on Unsplash

You only get 150 characters to create your Instagram bio and you want every character to count. Tell followers what to expect when they view your account and direct them to check out your website, youtube channel or provide a link to a landing page. This needs to be short, inviting, and entice them to learn more.

3. Be Attentive and Yourself

Photo by Hans Vivek on Unsplash

Growing your following list can take time but you can fast track your list to amazing numbers if you simply respond to comments and are genuine. In order to grow your followers and in turn build your brand on Instagram you not only have to be interesting, but you also need to be interested in others as well. This means you’ll need to leave comments on other post while also being attentive to those left on yours.

4. Create a Branded Hashtag

Photo by Jon Tyson on Unsplash

Hashtags drive followers on Instagram. While you can do some simple research to identify which hashtags you should include with images or in the post, create your own hashtag can make your brand stand out. When it comes to creating a hashtag do not just simple #yourbrandname. Instead, you want to think of what will describe your brand and be something that others can relate to and use to describe themselves.

5. Take Advantage of Instagram Highlights

Photo by NeONBRAND on Unsplash

You can keep bringing new followers up to speed on what you tend to show in your stories by saving them into your highlights sections. This feature is displayed just below your profile pic and bio. You can create different categories that allow followers to see things you tend to post. Highlights are an effective way to show followers what your account is about.

6. Be Consistent

Photo by Jazmin Quaynor on Unsplash

This is an overlooked element many businesses fail to seriously take into consideration. You want to ensure you post at or around the same time, every day. You also want to show followers for potential followers that you are consistent with providing quality content on your post. You want your account to assure new followers that they can expect a consistent flow of content when they visit your account. 

This goes for stories as well. You want to be posting the same number of stories each day. If some days you post extra no problem but if you fall into the habit of posting five stories then two then ten, followers are not going to be interested in keeping up.

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